It rained last night, all night. Woke up at 8:00 and it was still raining. So I prepped the dogs for a morning stroll.

Well as soon as we stepped out, the rain stopped! So the dogs did their business and I packed away their rain coats. I was then headed to the bakery to get fresh bread for breakfast, when I ran into my neighbors. They are early octogenarians with a very young, energetic dog. They asked if I wanted to join them on their walk. Why not? So we all headed out...despite their age, a short walk to them is a solid 2-3 mile hike. The dogs though loved it and as we walked through a small refuge (wild park) on the way back home, my neighbor (the wife and ex-chef) pulled out some 'weeds' and asked me to smell them. Expecting a parsley, basil or mint smell, I was a bit taken aback by the foul smell. She then said "c'est l'ail'.... garlic! Add the leaves to a salad or's wonderful.

So I grabbed the leaves and after finally picking up the fresh bread, got home and added them over our eggs. They were great! I never knew you could eat garlic leaves (cut them right above the white stalk). They're pungent, but much less so than the cloves. I have since read, that they're also very good for you....By early summer, the leaves will flower, and then they will lose their vitality.
So now, I need to head back out and grab some more!
Back to the topic of empty nest syndrome, as Dedi and I shared our breakfast with a fresh white baguette, we both could only think of Aubrey tearing off a chunk with a big smile, as she does with all bread....and when I ask her to use a knife, she'll repeat my words of times past "It's good luck to tear it with your hands!" And then of course Brenna, who will say, "No thanks" when you offer to cook her a full breakfast..and then proceed to snack from your plate until you're forced to make a fresh batch...! As you can tell, we already miss the girls terribly and hope to hear soon that they have arrived safe and sound!