Tuesday, October 13, 2020

iPhone Bike applications

Well, I'm slowly becoming an iPhone convert. If you have to carry it with you when you ride in order to have a phone (albeit a marginal phone), why not see if it can perform double duty.

To start with I downloaded a free version of the Dahon Biologic Bike Brain. I felt a bit like a traitor, being a big Bike Friday fan, but you've got to hand it to these guys. They really are on top of technology integration.

Since I have yet to buy a bike mount for my iPhone, I simply strapped some velcro thru the clip on my Otter defender; probably the geekiest cell phone holder you can wear. It definitely looks better on my bike than on my belt! In any case it seems to work, but long term I will probably buy one of the Dahon mounts and retire my Otter and get something a bit more professional looking for daily wear.


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