Wind wind go away..
Greetings from 'Suisse'..Hope you all are doing well. Drop me a line (or better yet, a comment here) so that I know you're still alive and kicking...I like the comments as this adds to our memory album and turns this into more than a one way monologue....
I'm starting to get the complaints...hey Dave, you're not keeping up with your blog! So here I go...

I'm starting to get the complaints...hey Dave, you're not keeping up with your blog! So here I go...
Got up late this morning; about 2 hours later than what Tigger and Telly would have liked...both looked at me impatiently..."Come on man...we neeeeed to go out!" I looked outside and all I could see was rain and sleet. I knew it would be futile to ask Brenna or Aubrey to do the run, so I grudgingly put on some warm clothes and a rain jacket, reached for an umbrella and headed out. Should have left the umbrella in the closet, as with the wind it only served to whip me around as it tried to reshape itself into a tulip. Tigger and Telly seems indifferent to the conditions, and as I slowy began to water log, they took their sweet time sniffing and finding their favorite spots.
Now I'm inside, warm and well fed...just wishing the wind would die down, feeling a bit of cabin fever. Girls are hard at work with homework and I guess I'll start planning our spring break...for once Dedi and the girls have overlapping vacations ...
Cheers, Dave
SeƱor Feeeesch!
Better than professional!!!
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