Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Dave gets Duped
I thought it was going to be an ordinary Saturday, but now looking back at the events I realize that there were many inconsistencies in people's behaviour that should have tipped me off...
The first came from my friend and colleague Kent, who I was wanting to take to a neat restaurant in Lausanne..."Oh...well it doesn't have to be Saturday or this weekend ...we can do this some other time..." But I insist...Then Cheryl invites us over to her house for dinner...."Is it okay to invite Kent?" I ask..."No problem Dave..." So now I call Kent and invite him over to Cheryl's and apologize for having to reschedule...another "No problem Dave.." I suggest we meet at a train stop at 5:00pm which I now know was 15 minutes too early! ... Then Dedi keeps egging me to go out and ride my bike (when's the last time that happened?)...but don't be gone all day!" So I ride and I'm home by 3:00pm...we go shopping and around 4:30 I'm stressing out...saying I don't want to leave Kent hanging at the train stop lets go! Finally we leave but Dedi suggests we stop at home for something...then at 4:55 when I really want to go, Aubrey can't find her cell phone...and this is a girl who never carries her cell phone. So we leave without Aubrey, pick up Kent and then head back to get Aubrey....Now it's 5:15 and I'm mad about wasting gas and time etc....and give Aubrey a good lecture on organization and being prompt...Then Brenna calls and says she can't make dinner as she's going to see a movie...I let her know I'm disappointed...
We then arrive at Cheryl's...I'm a bit stressed but ready for a nice relaxing evening...I ring the door...I hear "come in" ...So I walk in...I see Brenna...what? I'm thinking...didn't she just call? Then in a flash, a big "SURPRISE" shout and there's a room full of friends and colleagues!
It was a great evening with great food and above all great company!
Here's a parting shot with the tricky hosts!
The first came from my friend and colleague Kent, who I was wanting to take to a neat restaurant in Lausanne..."Oh...well it doesn't have to be Saturday or this weekend ...we can do this some other time..." But I insist...Then Cheryl invites us over to her house for dinner...."Is it okay to invite Kent?" I ask..."No problem Dave..." So now I call Kent and invite him over to Cheryl's and apologize for having to reschedule...another "No problem Dave.." I suggest we meet at a train stop at 5:00pm which I now know was 15 minutes too early! ... Then Dedi keeps egging me to go out and ride my bike (when's the last time that happened?)...but don't be gone all day!" So I ride and I'm home by 3:00pm...we go shopping and around 4:30 I'm stressing out...saying I don't want to leave Kent hanging at the train stop lets go! Finally we leave but Dedi suggests we stop at home for something...then at 4:55 when I really want to go, Aubrey can't find her cell phone...and this is a girl who never carries her cell phone. So we leave without Aubrey, pick up Kent and then head back to get Aubrey....Now it's 5:15 and I'm mad about wasting gas and time etc....and give Aubrey a good lecture on organization and being prompt...Then Brenna calls and says she can't make dinner as she's going to see a movie...I let her know I'm disappointed...
We then arrive at Cheryl's...I'm a bit stressed but ready for a nice relaxing evening...I ring the door...I hear "come in" ...So I walk in...I see Brenna...what? I'm thinking...didn't she just call? Then in a flash, a big "SURPRISE" shout and there's a room full of friends and colleagues!
It was a great evening with great food and above all great company!
Here's a parting shot with the tricky hosts!

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Well we finally did it. Found a 'house' at a good price and made the move. The house is built on a hill and we've still got views of the mountains and lake. We've got the top floor which walks out to a nice back yard. Dogs are quite happy and we're close to the metro so the girls (all 3) have much better commutes to school. I'm going to have to get used to yard work again, but it's a small price to pay to have a bit more elbow room and privacy. The house was designed by an architect who lived it in for about 30 years. High ceilings and not one right angle! 
Bedroom view
Backyard view of church...chimes on the hour, every hour!
Living room day 2....
Quasi-house warming party...still need a dining room table and sofa!
Bedroom view
Backyard view of church...chimes on the hour, every hour!

Quasi-house warming party...still need a dining room table and sofa!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Teen Vogue

Well our little girl is now famous. She's been featured as the 'girl of the week' in teen vogue. Check out the photo and the comments at
If this doesn't work click on then scroll down to snapshot, girl of the week...
Here's what Teen Vogue wrote...
Aubrey Elizabeth Fisch
AGE: 15HOMETOWN: Lausanne, Switzerland.
WHAT SHE'S WEARING: "I'm wearing Cheap Monday skinny jeans, a vintage dress from The Salvation Army, and a heart necklace that I made. My shoes are white Superga's, but I bought them from a thrift store. My bow is from Claire's, and my bandana is from a box in my parents' room. My bag is my grandpa's old fishing bag, and I'm not sure if it's the brand but it says "ArticReel" across the front."
HAND ME DOWN: "I was visiting my grandpa, we were cleaning out the garage, and I found this little fishing bag. I really liked it, and so being the kind loving man that he is, he gave it to me, although he was confused as to why I would want it."
BOW-OBSESSED: "I practically live in my bow. My hair feels empty without it."
FOREIGN AFFAIR: "My favorite designer is Eri Utsugi, a Japanese designer. I don't own anything designer, but I've seen some of her designs and they are so cute and really creative!"
SKATER GIRL: "In my free time I listen to a lot of music, play piano and draw. On the weekends I love to skateboard, which is quite strange since I'm usually really into girly things, but I used to be a tomboy. I have given up all my boy clothes, but I don't think I could give up skateboarding."
KNOW THYSELF: "I follow a few trends, but I try to be original for the most part. I also take bits and pieces from magazines to inspire me. However, I mix it up with my own personal style, and if something feels too mainstream, I'll sew or draw something on it so that it feels more like me."
Click on comments to see what's been posted to date on their site...