Teen Vogue

Well our little girl is now famous. She's been featured as the 'girl of the week' in teen vogue. Check out the photo and the comments at http://www.teenvogue.com/connect/blogs/snapshot/2007/11/aubrey-elizabet.html#comments
If this doesn't work click on http://www.teenvogue.com/ then scroll down to snapshot, girl of the week...
Here's what Teen Vogue wrote...
Aubrey Elizabeth Fisch
AGE: 15HOMETOWN: Lausanne, Switzerland.
WHAT SHE'S WEARING: "I'm wearing Cheap Monday skinny jeans, a vintage dress from The Salvation Army, and a heart necklace that I made. My shoes are white Superga's, but I bought them from a thrift store. My bow is from Claire's, and my bandana is from a box in my parents' room. My bag is my grandpa's old fishing bag, and I'm not sure if it's the brand but it says "ArticReel" across the front."
HAND ME DOWN: "I was visiting my grandpa, we were cleaning out the garage, and I found this little fishing bag. I really liked it, and so being the kind loving man that he is, he gave it to me, although he was confused as to why I would want it."
BOW-OBSESSED: "I practically live in my bow. My hair feels empty without it."
FOREIGN AFFAIR: "My favorite designer is Eri Utsugi, a Japanese designer. I don't own anything designer, but I've seen some of her designs and they are so cute and really creative!"
SKATER GIRL: "In my free time I listen to a lot of music, play piano and draw. On the weekends I love to skateboard, which is quite strange since I'm usually really into girly things, but I used to be a tomboy. I have given up all my boy clothes, but I don't think I could give up skateboarding."
KNOW THYSELF: "I follow a few trends, but I try to be original for the most part. I also take bits and pieces from magazines to inspire me. However, I mix it up with my own personal style, and if something feels too mainstream, I'll sew or draw something on it so that it feels more like me."
Click on comments to see what's been posted to date on their site...
very impressive!!!!!!!!!!!
very cute! she's got a perfect little style X
blueandbabyblue Nov 5, 2007 12:37:51 AM
I love it.Its really cute, but the jeans keep it grounded.I especially love the bow...it puts me in mind of Alice In Wonderland, so sweet.
gramaticallyincorrect Nov 5, 2007 12:48:46 AM
really cute!!love the bow and bandana!
LovesDresses Nov 5, 2007 2:54:27 AM
eh, its cute i guess but it is so trendy that it is almost a cliche. i agree that the bow is cute but everything else is just okay.
faaabulousfolu Nov 5, 2007 3:21:02 AM
i think it's cute. not great, not terrible, but cute.
workit Nov 5, 2007 3:37:45 AM
I feel like I've seen this look before. But I still like it. Love the haircut and the dog is super cute.
spiffySCK Nov 5, 2007 3:37:58 AM
aww cute, i love the neck scarf! xx
Jade23 Nov 5, 2007 3:48:49 AM
its really cute and the outfit somehow suits the girl. however, in my opinion, the dog stoll the show, since its so adorable!
purlily Nov 5, 2007 4:12:53 AM
its really cute and the outfit somehow suits the girl. however, in my opinion, the dog stoll the show, since its so adorable!
purlily Nov 5, 2007 4:12:54 AM
ooh I like it... it is really cool and original.
Franny Nov 5, 2007 5:33:10 AM
I deffinitly have to agree with her my hair feels empty without a bow lol, her style is unique and very authentic and rich you can tell she doesnt struggle to be fashionable it's by the heart love the style everyting matches, good color co-ordination and so on and so forth.
Mademoisellexfashionista Nov 5, 2007 6:20:44 AM
I really love ths outfit ! It's so fresh and original...The bow and the bandana are awesome !Good job !!!
princess_fashion_rock Nov 5, 2007 7:22:23 AM
I Find it very interesting where you got all the stuff from(your dress, bag, necklace, etc.) It's a good put-together! Great job.
mayoya Nov 5, 2007 8:22:31 AM
Nice fit.
selene714 Nov 5, 2007 9:49:19 AM
ya hello favorite
the bow thing is kinda done though
it looks cute anyway
supersavannah27 Nov 5, 2007 10:59:09 AM
ahhh!!soo cute,she looks like a porcelain doll.
ilove_miu_miu Nov 5, 2007 11:02:36 AM
she be cute. I like her haircut.
waverly Nov 5, 2007 11:11:42 AM
Nothing I haven't seen before. I'm not really loving the dress over jeans look either.
isthislove Nov 5, 2007 11:31:53 AM
I don't care for the dress with jeans ensemble and the whole bow look is really tired.
Overall, I think the TV staff needs to learn that a cute photograph doesn't equal a stylish outfit.
whatisatiffany Nov 5, 2007 11:35:38 AM
i love it, its really original and the dress is so cute!!
opalemerald Nov 5, 2007 12:24:41 PM
um adorable! the bow is so cute. and i like her answers too!
chanelchic1 Nov 5, 2007 12:32:26 PM
aww it's cute...yes, quite alice in wonderland-tea party-doll house-ish but still stylish and wearable. i looove the bow it looks gorgeous in her hair. xoxoellie
preppyellie Nov 5, 2007 1:22:51 PM
The dress is pretty long to wear jeans underneath for my taste. but the individual pieces are cool. i like that she's so cheap. the bag is awesome
_julia_ Nov 5, 2007 1:25:52 PM
aww thats so sweet! i love your whole style and i love your doggy!!!
dork Nov 5, 2007 1:29:39 PM
I love everything :) And the dog is uber cute.
I'm not too fond of her dress, but it IS really cute.
strawberryicing Nov 5, 2007 1:37:43 PM
I love it. The dog is super cute and so is the girl. This is got to be my favorite look its so orginal.
princetongirl108 Nov 5, 2007 1:56:17 PM
Girly and sensitive.I love it.I would never wear it...but it looks ADORABLE on her.
the dog is cute as well....:)
Sabrette Nov 5, 2007 2:30:59 PM
cheap mondays=rock!!love the bowits a cute outfit, altho i cant comment on the bag bc the photo is so washed out u cant rlly tell what it looks like
Memo Nov 5, 2007 2:56:49 PM
I can't say I'm a fan of this outfit at all.
Led_ZeppelinCBCG Nov 5, 2007 3:00:37 PM
AHH I LAHV IT! LOOK AT THAT- SOMEONE WITH STYLE...it's totally creative and I just HEART the whole thing. the world should be more like Audrey
nexttopdesigner Nov 5, 2007 3:27:58 PM
she is so sweet.
swish Nov 5, 2007 4:06:57 PM
Style= amazingly CUTE
nanodaisy Nov 5, 2007 4:09:15 PM
this is a cute outfit... but it's very myspace. Take away the bow and bandana maybe it would be better. I'm not liking the dress over pants thing. It's not that cute anymore. But you are an adorable girl, and very creative, i like that. And that comment someone left about you sitting like you have a stick up your toosh is stupid. totally not cool. especially since this whole thing is about the outfit, not the way the girl in the photo looks.
bobo_21 Nov 5, 2007 5:04:45 PM
i really like thiswell, minus the jeansi dont know, it just seems that the whole jeans/dress combo is kind of tired out.cute though
morganfhill Nov 5, 2007 5:33:07 PM
very cute. it all kind of works together.
viva_sevilla Nov 5, 2007 5:35:55 PM
aw, i love the picture.a good snapshot.hm, i wish it were tights instead of jeans, though.
but that's my preference.ah, i like how she skateboards and she's from swtizerland.that's awesome.
a_brightspot Nov 5, 2007 5:36:34 PM
"Cuteola"I adore this ensemble. The bow,dress,jeans even down to the sock,...love it.
missvv Nov 5, 2007 5:55:40 PM
aaaaw! aubrey u look soo cute!!! hehe aw its telly! :D ah you look so cute!! hehe ... seeya soon <3 cookie_jar Nov 5, 2007 5:56:41 PM
This girl seems so sweet and genuine! I love it, except for the shoes. Too bulky-ish. Simple white shoes with a little heel would have been nice.
FeeFee Nov 5, 2007 6:44:39 PM
love the dress hate the handkercheif
C_Rose Nov 5, 2007 8:10:01 PM
This girl is definitely my favorite Snapshot of the Week. Definitely. Funny thing is, she's a lot like me and her name is one letter away from mine. :) My name is Audrey!
Smitten Nov 5, 2007 9:26:36 PM
i like everything about the outfitthe bows old though
jordann_ashh Nov 6, 2007 6:36:32 AM
jordann_ashh Nov 6, 2007 6:38:29 AM
now thisss is what i've been waiting on for a long time! love the old fishing bag touch, love her answers, love the outfit. fabulous overall :)
daniellemay_xx Nov 6, 2007 9:42:27 AM
Love your style! The picture is classic and the dog gives it a more down to earth feel. Love the jeans and dress.
hnnhbnna5 Nov 6, 2007 9:52:36 AM
Oo0o Pretty!I love everything, the clothes, the bow, the dog.The whole picture is a delight!!
kairi_jo16 Nov 6, 2007 2:44:53 PM
She is too cute. I admire her originality and how she tries not to follow the crowd. All girls should be this unique!
redhead794 Nov 6, 2007 3:43:13 PM
I love your vintage look and how the background goes along with it. It gets me some fresh ideas. The bow completes it all because if their was no bow, it would just look too plain. The bow is a great accessory. The fishing bag is great to because it matches your outfit and it's a great accessory that puts originality in your look. It doesn't even look like a fishing bag. I love your look overall and it gives lots of fresh ideas for my wardrobe.
Vintagepointe00 Nov 6, 2007 3:55:11 PM
Cute photograph, not a fan of the outfit.
The dress would go great with a pair of tights or over the knee socks. Really dislike bows and bandanas.
evabraun Nov 6, 2007 5:17:21 PM
aww thanks for everyones kind comments and suggestions <3 mustachecloud Nov 7, 2007 9:42:01 AM
i LOVE this outfit.
kater Nov 7, 2007 11:13:31 AM
i REALLY like this girl!!! like she is really cute which i know everyone is using but she is STILL very stylish. also her style reminds me of me...
dramapixi Nov 7, 2007 2:13:55 PM
I LOVE the outfit!! It's super cute, and I love the bow. It's a nice touch!:)
fashionista1013 Nov 7, 2007 2:46:39 PM
I don't think her outfit is that cute, especially with the handkerchief. The shoes are not that fab either. If she was walking down the street, on the the TV webpage, I don't think we'd admire her. And too many people are talking about the dog...again, an okay outfit masked by a well-taken photograph.
LMichelle Nov 7, 2007 4:09:18 PM
i really like it. her bow is super-cute and she had some nice answers. :]
Pixie_Love Nov 7, 2007 6:26:46 PM
I love this. Adorable.
Tianesii Nov 7, 2007 8:25:13 PM
The outfit is ok. I love bows. I'm actually wearing a large one right now. ha ha. What I really loved were her answers. She seems very down to earth and chill.
pandalover Nov 8, 2007 4:45:19 AM
i like the style of the photograph and everything more than the outfit. ive just seen it all before.
VintageSweetLove Nov 8, 2007 11:28:55 AM
Cute! But all of these recent pictures seem to be chosen by how cool the picture looks by photoshoping the color. If the outfits are cute, that's okay, but if the outfit isn't, why choose it because of how well the picture is taken or colored?
tilly Nov 8, 2007 2:49:01 PM
given the whole aesthetic she's going for, i think the outfit's fine.. but i hate that whole style in general. it just seems so immature and overdone.
hellodarling Nov 8, 2007 5:17:42 PM
even though everyone dresses like this in one way or another,she is the most adorable girl i've ever seen on this!and i like the whole bag idea :)perfect.
sarabea Nov 8, 2007 7:52:24 PM
aww i really appreciate all these kind comments =) they mean alot <3.. but just for that person who said i photoshopped the color, i dont even have photoshop lol , it was just taken with a cheap camera mustachecloud Nov 8, 2007 9:39:44 PM
omgosh i love bows<33im very into bows :]and i love this picture and your tastee...very! joychef Nov 9, 2007 2:08:39 PM
the picture is cuteand the outfit it alrighti think tights would be better than jeans thoughbtw, the dog is amazingly cute !
styleiseternal Nov 9, 2007 4:53:06 PM
she and her dog are so cute and your outfit's creative yet relaxed.i really like it.
indie_wildflower Nov 9, 2007 6:46:49 PM
ew she looks like a hillbilly
jennamarie Nov 9, 2007 7:17:32 PM
also i really like the country look, almost like you could really see her fishing in it! but she keeps the contemporary look to
dramapixi Nov 9, 2007 8:30:34 PM
love it,i love the whole look.and your dog is a verrry cute accessory. =]
addictedtomusic_ Nov 10, 2007 6:59:43 AM
but,i dont really like the bandana as much,maybe a bulky necklace or something? otherwise. cute. =]
addictedtomusic_ Nov 10, 2007 7:00:44 AM
That's cute.But, the bow looks really tacky.Maybe it's just a personal preferance.And, it's also nice to see someone that doesn't blow all their money on designer clothing.Second hand, FTW.
Mariaa Nov 10, 2007 10:34:28 AM
I love the dress and the bow. This outfit is very well put together, I love it!
Hannahbanana741 Nov 10, 2007 12:16:00 PM
luvs everythingu go ahead n rock ur bowi dont have any Cheap Mondaybut i luv themthe top is my favorite
i dig the dog 2* n i LOVE UR HAIR!
bkfashon Nov 10, 2007 5:20:06 PM
i love it! everythings awesome. you are just like me; im such a tomboy at heart. and your style is just so cool. this is what we need more of on teenvogue! :]p.s. my friend is from your hometown
letsplaycroquet Nov 11, 2007 8:32:21 AM
i have to say i kinda love it no scratch that i really love. i love the bow and i admit now im stealing the idea from you. teehehe your dog is to cute thanxs for the great ideastone
stone Nov 11, 2007 9:23:34 PM
Did she just say she wanted to go to the playground today? Just kidding, but the outfit kind of conveys a childish attitude....yes i love the pants and the bag idea is cool, but the dress is waaay too immature for my liking and the shoes a little plain...but overall she looks cute yes and like everyone said so is the dog, and even tho she used a cheap camera it came out interesting
Hamptonfemme Nov 12, 2007 7:16:19 AM
to the girl before who said this was childish, shes only 15 give her a break. we dont want our 15 year olds to be dressing like whores now do we? i love it that shes dressing her age.
aubreyy i think this is adorable. im gunna have to steal some ideas from you for school haha :) see you tomorrow, danielle <3 daniellelove Nov 12, 2007 10:56:01 AM
OMG!!!! What happened to my punk-y skater friend?!? Don't worry, we still love you! By the by, you REALLY do look good in a bow!
saxybeast Nov 12, 2007 2:34:40 PM
i love it. very cute. very inspiring.
hummingbird Nov 17, 2007 11:32:21 AM
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