Monday, November 10, 2008

Aubrey's 2nd Sewing project

Aubrey's big wish for her birthday was not a iphone or ipod or what I would have expected a typical 16 year old to request...her wish was a sewing machine! And this she received. A true Swiss made machine!

Her first project was a skirt which was quite nice. But this weekend she was busy at work. Everytime I went by her room I'd hear the machine humming away ...18 hours later she emerged with this beautfiul dress... Pretty impressive no? She wore it to school today and got many compliments!

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Ride to Chevrerie

After spending last night downloading GPS tracks, checking weather and train schedules I was up and ready to go this morning on an adventure ride to Chevrerie, France. I got on the 9:30 train to Geneva prepared for some nice weather and some good climbs.

However, as the train approached Geneva, I noticed rain and deep cloud cover. Bummer, but as the Swiss say, "I'm not made of sugar" so a little rain should be okay.

In the end I rode 170km, making it to Chevrerie and back and adding on the leg from Geneva back home.. The first 110km were dreadful! I was soaked to the bone and the fast descents were freezing my toes! At the summit in Chevrerie, I tried drying my socks and airing things out, but it was hopeless. Dreading the descent and the possibility of frostbite, I decided to improvise. I ended up covering my toes with a snicker bar wrapper on one foot, and a small plastic bag that used to contain shot blocks on the other. I then carefully covered my wrapped toes with my wet socks and gave it a shot. Hard to believe, but it worked! And once I hit Geneva, the sun finally came out and the 60km ride home was a breeze.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Autumn ride

Sunny days seem in scarce supply lately so with the sun shining today and Dedi not too jet lagged we did a nice ride to St-Prex and back. The air is crisp and cool but not at all bad for cycling. The mountain views were spectacular. The foliage wasn't too bad either! Last shot was from Le Rosey, the most expensive private school in Switzerland and where Brenna had the priviledge of taking her SAT tests yesterday!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween --the Corpse Bride...

Here's one shot where red-eye reduction is not necessary!

;-) Dave

(Aubrey made the bow tie and put together the outfits! Took 2nd place in the costume contest!)