Ride to Chevrerie

After spending last night downloading GPS tracks, checking weather and train schedules I was up and ready to go this morning on an adventure ride to Chevrerie, France. I got on the 9:30 train to Geneva prepared for some nice weather and some good climbs.
However, as the train approached Geneva, I noticed rain and deep cloud cover. Bummer, but as the Swiss say, "I'm not made of sugar" so a little rain should be okay.
In the end I rode 170km, making it to Chevrerie and back and adding on the leg from Geneva back home.. The first 110km were dreadful! I was soaked to the bone and the fast descents were freezing my toes! At the summit in Chevrerie, I tried drying my socks and airing things out, but it was hopeless. Dreading the descent and the possibility of frostbite, I decided to improvise. I ended up covering my toes with a snicker bar wrapper on one foot, and a small plastic bag that used to contain shot blocks on the other. I then carefully covered my wrapped toes with my wet socks and gave it a shot. Hard to believe, but it worked! And once I hit Geneva, the sun finally came out and the 60km ride home was a breeze.
Do you think that's what they mean when they say, "Snickers satisfies you"?
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