Monday, January 19, 2009

Bike Switzerland Tour Coming Up

As you may have noticed (or not) I have not updated this site recently. It's not that I'm no longer posting, I've just started using Facebook as it's a bit more private.

It's been a cold winter and I've been making the best of it with lots of cross-country skiing in the Jura's.

When summer finally gets here, I'm looking forward to another Bike Switzerland tour, this time in the capacity of tour guide! I'll be doing this on my trusty Bike Friday and am lobbying hard to get more BF riders to join me on this tour! Here's a shot from last year's ride...Drop me a line if you're up for nice ride with me across Switzerland. My tour runs from June 28 - July 8. More information at

By the way if you show up with a Bike Friday, John (Director) is offering a $200.00 discount off the tour package!

Ron? Dennis? Jeff? Betina?


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