Tunisia Arrival
We arrived safe and sound on our non-stop chartered flight from Geneva to Djerba. It's been a while since I've been on a flight where the passengers and the flight attendants applaud after a safe landing!
The Djerba airport was nice but understaffed to handle the 3 midnight flights that arrived at about the same time. Though we made it through immigration and security quickly, some of our fellow passengers didn't and we waited over an hour for them to get to our shared van. And this van was quite the sight....dark and parked behind all the big chartered busses. 
Our bus....
The driver was asleep with a cigarette dangling in his hand...but all in all, we arrived at our hotel safe and sound (3:00 am) and got a good nights rest.
The next morning after a great buffet breakfast we went out to the beach. All was well until some guy comes up on a horse and next thing I know Brenna is off riding away. The guy looks at me and says, "A demain!" (see you tomorrow!)...He was joking but this was Brenna's first lesson in Assertive 101. She soon got the horse turned around and was back with us!

On the beach....
Later in the day we signed up for a 2 day excursion into the sahara desert...more on this in my next post!
Cheers, Dave
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