Sunday, March 11, 2007


Rrrrrr.......rrrrr...rrrrrrr.....rrrrr....these were 22 month old Jonas's first words and as legend has it, expressed the beginning of his growing fascination with cars, wheels and eventually all things with moving parts. In his visit yesterday, it did not take him long to find all the wheels around our house..every free moment he managed to find a new set of button or knobs to push or turn. We thought it was quite cute despite Margaret's warnings of the consequences of VCR's getting reprogrammed into microwaves.... We thought nothing of it at the time...

Well sure enough we experienced the consequences early this morning. .It began with a 3:00am symphony of alarm clocks, beginning with our Oregon Scientific Weather station...(wild...didn't even know it had an alarm funciton! ) This was later followed by four more alarm clocks, all programmed to new wake-up times. Had us jumping around this morning a bit confused and unsure, especially with rumors that the US has already sprung forward this year. ....Now what time is it?


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