Getting Ready
Dedi and I have both been down with bad colds. Dedi had a several day head start and actually already has some energy whereas I'm still in the mode of taking up space and not much else....Spent most of the day horizontal, trying to find the balance between resting and keeping my head from filling up, if you know what I mean. But I'm feeling a bit better now. At least well enough to post an update!

We're starting to pack for a week in Djerba. Will post some pictures when we get back. Looking forward to some new sights and some much needed R&R.
We got a tasted of the Bise this week, with horrendous northerly winds. Made my daily bike commute a struggle. But we're now seeing sunny warm weather so no complaints.
Other news, we finally decided to sublet our precious parking space...took a year 1/2 to realize we really weren't going to buy a car. Put up an add and the next day got a taker. It's nice now to look out and see the previously vacant spot being put to good use.
Today, Dedi put together a small easter egg hunt for the girls. They seem so grown up, but at times like this, they quickly revert to being our little kids. Dedi and I enjoyed sitting back and watching the hunt.
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