Saturday, March 18, 2006

Slip Sliding Mountain Biking

Got my first real mountain bike ride in today. Two hours of fun tracing the Venoge river...Only Jan, who has helped me scale Red Rock cliffs with bikes in tow could relate to the bush wacking that I went thru as I attempted to find the main trail after an errant turn and a stubborn impulse to keep going forward and not back-track...

Along the way I was introduced to some vicious, razor sharp plants which decorated my legs (it was warm enough for shorts!) and made new aerodynamic ventilation ports in my jacket...I also did my fair share of slipping and sloshing through mud...but all in all it was a blast...Lots of fun downhills that made me question "ride or walk?" ... the ones that I rode did a good job of getting the adrenalin running again ...There were also two nice sharply banked 1-2 foot stream crossings that required all-or-nothing leaps to avoid the popular endos...Fearful that I have lost much of my edge after a cold winter without my Sumo biking buddies pushing me to do more, I attempted both...I nailed both leaving me with an ear to ear grin...


Blogger Peggy and Steve said...

You lucky dog! I have been dying to go mtn biking. This long drawn out winter here is the absolute pits! So glad you got to go! Good job on the crossings. I hope we can at least bike our local dirt road loop soon. Today it's snowing and cold, and the outlook is the same for the next 5 days. So you'll be going back to this place? So was this an official single track, or just a path you found? Do you pass private homes along this river or is this like a park? Later, Peggy

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been waiting for the rain to stop, so i can hit the dirt trails again. However the great thing about road riding is 2 hours after the rain stops, you're good to go. Did 92 miles over the weekend preping Andrea for her cinderella ride scheduled for this next weekend of rain. Bro Don

10:07 PM  
Blogger DFisch said...

Hola Peggy,

It's always nice to read your comments...I have also been enjoying your blog. Anyway, the trails I rode were public multiuse paths as far as I know...It's a pretty nice system where trails along the river connect multiple parks....still the hwy underpasses are hardly walkable let alone rideable...

10:09 PM  
Blogger DFisch said...

Hey Bro Don,

I agree on the rain, unlike Colorado, it takes 2 weeks not 2 days for the mud to dry...but the roads are good in 2 hours! I have not yet ridden my road bike...kind of waiting to find some fellow roadies to lead the way...

11:59 PM  

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