Moving In

It was a tough Friday...renting a truck, getting lost on round abouts, running out to Ikea, leaving truck lights on, fighting the crowds, getting someone to jump start the truck, and finally heading back to the apartment with a truck load...then we discover the elevator is too small to carry anything but the smallest pieces!
So we broke open the boxes in the lobby and carted the contents piece by piece up 3 flights of stairs...made the incline seem easy! Just not quite as scenic!
Now the fun part of assembling furniture...
it sounds like a lot of fun to have to do an indoor incline, except 5 times as many... hope Brenna abd Aubz are doing well and arn't too overwhelmed with anything. WE need to set up a time when I can "skype" her and chat for a bit. The time difference makes it difficult I must say. Well I hope you guys have a happy begginings of a new year and a new life. Cheers! Joanna
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