Tanzania Bound
Well Brenna is packed up and ready for her trip to Tanzania. We are a bit nervous but definitely excited for her. She'll be helping build a new school and this will be an experience of a lifetime for her. I've also learned a bit...until I questioned her 10 hour flight, I never really grasped how big Africa really is...check out this map!

But even more amazing than all of this was her comment to me today..."Isn't it incredible that France beat New Zealand in their quarter final rugby match? 20-18!"
Wow, when did this happen??? (not the game, but her awareness of Rugby news!!!!!!)...our world is changing!!!
How exciting for you, Brenna. I spent time in Africa when I was in college. Dave, it takes over 15+ hours to fly the length of the continent.
Diana, I'm doing okay! Slow and steady wins the race...
I find the size of the continent mind-boggling! Thanks for the added info! -Dave
I cannot imagine the loss you feel. I live in fear of the time I will have to deal with the loss of this magnitude.
I find myself wanting to go to Africa now. A co worker has invited me to visit his home country of the Congo, if I can learn more French.I realize there is so much to learn about this world.
I love the eager anticipation and excitment in Brenna's face in this photo. What a fantastic opportunity, to go help others help themselves, and what a terrific adventure for an American teen to have. She's one lucky young lady!
Carrie Hare
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