Tigger and Telly's Secret Life

Ran into our neighbors early Saturday as I was on my way to the town bakery to get some fresh bread...they were sooo excited! "Do you have time this morning?...We'd like to show you where we've been taking your dogs...it's so perfect!!!" Well we had already cancelled our trip to Annecy and were now leaning on a 1/2 day trip to Nyon so what the heck..."Sure!" So we gathered the dogs and Dedi and I stepped out of our apartment. Mdme Rhoner looked at the leash and chastised me..."No leash". She's Swiss German and I've learned to obey her, quickly...I promptly removed the leashes and we crammed into our mini-orange elevator and headed out. Her husband openned the front door and Tigger and Telly dashed outside leaving behind only whooosh sound and a trail of flying dog hair. I stepped outsdie to find them sitting obediently in the back of their Subaru, waiting for their treat! We then drove to a wildlife refuge where we proceeded to hike about 3km to a beautiful valley surrounded by trees and with a small creek. We then sat there enjoying the fall weather and watching Tigger and Telly running thru trees, in and out of the creek, fighting over sticks...it was quite entertaining. We then headed back, happy to have seen what our dogs do when we are at work!
Cheers, Dave
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