indian Summer

We've have some incredibly nice weather the last few days. One interesting scene was the sheep outside our work window, busy doing their periodic lawn mowing. Quite the system. Not as fast as gas powered but a neat eco solution.
Went out Thursday after work and did some fun albeit muddy mountain biking and Friday at lunch I did a 30km loop to Cully. I'll start by saying that I did not get hurt. I did however slide into a car that abruptly turned in front of me. The driver did not realize that I was riding along side him in the bike lane. I almost avoided the car but in the end scraped his side door, lost my balance and fell. The driver was very appologetic but the only damage was to his car..Fortunately when I fell the impact area was my left buttock which gave me some nice shock absorption. Not a scratch on me or bike. Still a good lesson to me to be even more cautious around traffic...
Brenna and Aubrey had a halloween dance at school and both had a fun time. It's interesting how the Haloween tradition is spreading here. All the stores are stocked up with costumes and decorations.
Today we were planning to go to Annecy, France by train but we instead decided to sleep in and plan a shorter day trip. We'll be heading to Nyon, Switzerland which should be quite nice on this beautiful day. I was there (by bike) last week and it looked quite interesting. It also has an indian restaurant (oh, how we miss spicy food) and an American store that even stocks Peter Pan peanut butter! Life is good!
Cheeers, Dave
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