Sixteen years and counting! To celebrate Dedi and I had a nice dinner at la le Debarcadere in St-Sulpice...We had a nice window table with Lac Leman in the background. The food and wine was great and the service was fitting for a king! It was a bit of a splurge but well worth it! We reflected much throughout the evening...how much we miss our friends and family but how thankful we are for our life here....It is definitely a more simple life...more time to smell the roses and fewer distractions...Deid pointed out that even being car free has it's advantages...that hidden stress that comes with the responsibility of driving a 2 ton vehicle 65 mph is no longer a daily occurence... I never thought much of it but I agree...this is quite nice. On that line, after dinner, we had nice stroll back home!

Missing you all and hoping some of you will voyage across the Atlantic and pay us a visit!
;-) Dave
Happy Anniversary to you! I didn't know how much work it takes to stay together that long, until now! You both look as young as you did in that winery 16 years ago. Diana you look good girl! I hope the kids know how lucky they are to have you and Dave as parents! Love to all,Ava
Helloooo Ava! This is Dave...Diana will surely post a reply later!
Comments like yours are always welcome! Thanks!
I hope we get to see you soon.
:-) Dave
Ava, When do I get to see some pictures of you and James?
Sixteen years is a long time, and as you know it is not always easy. Pay offs are huge though, as you find your way along the journey.
Thanks for the post.
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